Our Affiliate Program gives you the opportunity to earn additional revenue while helping clients succeed
We appreciate your dedication to helping students and individuals create career success. It's a big job. You've earned trust serving your clients. And, you are always striving to offer better and more ways to help them achieve their dreams.
Career Key has shared that same mission for more than 20 years. Trusted and scientifically validated, our career assessment is the go-to-choice for thousands of school and college counselors. Millions of individuals have relied on their test results for accurate matches to programs of study and career options.
Interested? Here’s information to help you join Career Key's Affiliate Program (CKAP) today!
How do I join?
It's fast and easy, and you can opt out at any time. Start by completing an application.
Will I be accepted?
Likely, yes. We review each application to ensure your work aligns with our brand values and mission.
Do I need advanced technology skills?
No. All you have to do is copy and paste banners and links into your websites, emails, social media and newsletters.
How does it work?
Once approved, view your CKAP account and activity through Refersion, our affiliate provider. Here you'll find your unique affiliate link, banners and transaction history.
Display links or graphics to your audience
Visitors click links to Careerkey.org
Visitors purchase assessments
We pay you commission on each sale
Engage with ongoing content
What does Career Key provide?
In addition to our trusted career assessment and more than 30 years of school counseling expertise, we supply creative banners for use online and in print plus sample content to share in emails, newsletters and blog posts. You can count on us as partners in creating student success.
How do I get paid?
Your Refersion dashboard gives transaction details including commission earned. Career Key makes a payment to your PayPal account each time your balance reaches $50 or monthly if your commission balance exceeds $50 per month.
What about the fine print?
Read full Affiliate Agreement.
Still have questions?
Learn more with our FAQs.