Help TRIO students find their academic fit in college!
Advisors in TRIO programs Talent Search, Student Support Services, Educational Opportunity Centers, and Upward Bound trust Career Key’s advising tools to help first-generation, low-income and nontraditional students discover and decide on best “fit” careers and postsecondary education programs where they will thrive.
Specific to TRIO grants, Career Key supports funding requirements in these areas,
career and education counseling and guidance services
career exploration
postsecondary program exploration
information about best fit postsecondary program choices that impact student financial well-being long term
activities for 8th graders through college students, adults of any age in career transition
Scroll down to download our case studies.
The Larry and Jeanine Jones Memorial Scholarship, in honor of Career Key’s founders, is open to TRIO participants in the Pacific Northwest. It is administered by the nonprofit Friends of NAEOP, the Northwest Association of Educational Opportunity Programs.
The first award was made on October 9, 2023 at NAEOP’s annual conference held in Boise, ID.
More details in the Founders section of About Us….
Offer short, self-guided career and postsecondary education program exploration
Career Key Discovery - 2 versions: Student and Transitions
10-minute Holland personality & interest online inventory
Suitable for grades 8 - 12, College, Adults in Career Transition
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With Career Key Discovery's unique exploration approach, students are morely likely to find lesser-known but promising options where they will thrive. This valid assessment includes a four-step decision-making guide.
Research shows a close Holland personality-interest fit predicts
- higher grades,
- persistence in a major, and
- higher on-time graduation rates.
Quickly identify student decision needs and optimize resources
Career Decision Profile
5-minute career readiness online inventory
Suitable for grades 10 - 12, College, Adults in Career Transition
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Measuring three dimensions of career decision status, the scientifically-valid Career Decision Profile identifies individual needs and barriers, estimates service levels, and recommends practical action steps to both student and advisor.
It can be used as a pre and post intervention measure.
Measure your ongoing program success
Use the Career Decision Profile pre/post intervention to measure impact of your TRIO program on participants.
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Measure impacts and student outcomes when you "sandwich" your program invention, including Career Key Discovery, between pre and post administrations of the Career Decision Profile. This implementation with both assessments takes a combined 20 minutes of student time to complete.
Case Studies - Career Key in Action
SSS and Talent Search TRIO
DOWNLOAD Enterprise State Community College Case Study
High School to Postsecondary Transitions
DOWNLOAD Kansas State University Case Study
Impact on First Generation College Students
DOWNLOAD Union County College Case Study
Career Key Alignment to TRIO

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