Career options that match your personality

Match Your Personality to Career Options

What career options would fit you best? Research shows the match between your career and personality plays a major role in your job satisfaction and success. We help you make that match.

Start with these four steps to a good personality-career match and career decision.

Step 1.

Take a scientifically valid career interest inventory

You will:

  • Measure your strengths in 6 interest areas, called the Holland personality types or "Holland Codes": Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

  • Identify many careers that match your dominant personality types.

Read our tips for choosing a career assessment.

Step 2.

Identify the careers that match your strongest personality types.

Here are examples for each type:


See a complete list of over 400 careers during the Career Key assessment, linked to accurate, up to date career information about each one.


Step 3:

Learn as much as you can about the career options you identify.

Follow the recommendations in:
Learn More about the Jobs that Interest Me

Step 4.

Make a good decision, one you won't regret.

Use the ACIP method of deciding. It is simple and effective. Studies show that if you follow it, you are less likely to regret your choice later.

Final Tips

  1. Be an active decision-maker. You are the one who will have to live with your decision. Follow the ACIP method of deciding described above.

  2. Don't sell yourself short. Self-confidence plays a big role in making a career choice, in succeeding in school and at work. You can do far more than you ever imagined.
    Speaking personally, I never dreamed that I had the ability to earn a doctorate degree, to do what I am doing. Fortunately, I met people who encouraged me; slowly I gained confidence... (see My Story).

  3. Associate with positive people -- people who listen; who are practical, knowledgeable, and cheerful; who will encourage you, help you.

  4. Be an active learner, grow as a person. Read. Learn from others. Travel. Meet people different from yourself. Do well in school.