Make Your Job Skills List
Make a List of Your Job Skills
First, you want to create a job or work skills list for yourself. Begin by downloading a free, personal copy of our My Work Skills List . Then, review your previous work, whether for pay or not, and place a check next to the Foundation Skills you have.
Next, make a list of transferable skills. If you have a work history, look up the jobs you've had on the O*NET Code Connector. You will see a list of skills, also called "detailed work activities," that job typically requires. Add those to your list of skills.
It's important to take your time in doing this analysis. You want to make sure your list is complete. This skills analysis is important.
Are there any skills that are missing or that you need to improve on? Put a star "*" next to those or add them at the bottom of your list under "Skills I Need". We'll return to those in our final section on learning new skills and strengthening existing ones.
Tip: Notice in the "My Work Skills" example for Jen, there are "+" signs next to the motivated skills on her transferable skills list.