Can’t decide, undecided
Career or Education Indecision
Can't decide on a career? Or college major? Training program? This is not unusual.
For example, in one's teen years and early 20's, a person's personality and abilities are developing. Your values, abilities, skills and talents are emerging.
Sometimes, the person doesn't know him or herself well enough to make a specific career or college major choice.
Some people in their middle years take a close look at who they, their career, and consider changing careers – perhaps returning to school. Practical steps you can take are described in Learn More about Yourself.
Another factor that frequently causes indecision is that important information is missing. If you feel you do not know enough about the occupations or majors you are considering, go to Learn More about the Jobs that Interest Me or Learn more about college majors.
There are also situations, of course, where a person is unable to decide even though they have adequate information and maturity. Here we recommend seeing a professional counselor. Career Counseling will get you started.